Candle Hour:
Sacred Space for Grief
Inspired by the poem “When You Meet Someone in Deep Grief” (below), on or near the New Moon of each month we gather by the candlelight on Zoom for Candle Hour.
This is a sacred time to honor your grief by doing - or not doing - whatever feels supportive to your body and spirit in that moment
Videos off, no participation required. You can light a candle to open the space. Sometimes there’s music other times we gather in silence.
As the poem instructs, we let the candle speak.
When You Meet Someone Deep in Grief
by Patricia McKernon Runkle
Slip off your needs
and set them by the door.
Enter barefoot
this darkened chapel
hallowed by loss
hallowed by sorrow
its grey stone walls
and floor.
You, congregation
of one
are here to listen
not to sing.
Kneel in the back pew.
Make no sound,
let the candles